Cenon Features
Cenon is a universal manufacturing software and accompanies it's users from the Design (or Import), via the Pre-Production process, to the control of the machine.
Cenon drives machines with 2 1/2 and 3 axis. A 4th axis may be added as a tangential axis. The X or Y axis can be replaced by a circular axis.
Cenon unfolds it's full potential with all machines and tool plotters that allow Direct Numeric Control (DNC). Even without DNC, Cenon is still a one of it's kind pre-manufacturing tool.
The mayor platform of Cenon is Apple Mac OS X. Import
- Import of SVG, DXF, HPGL, PostScript (PS and EPS), PDF, Adobe Illustrator 3, Gerber, Drill-Data (Sieb&Meyer, Excellon, ...), ...
- Import of raster images (TIFF, GIF, JPG, PNG, etc.)
- Automatic seperation of colors to layers
- Automatic join of paths
- Import of text lists in ASCII format for mass production
- Export of DXF, HPGL, PostScript (PS und EPS), PDF, Extended Gerber, ...
- NC Files (G-Code or HPGL derivates)
- ...
Graphics and Editing
- Lines, bezier curves, arcs, rectangles, Poly-Lines, etc.
- Threads, Countersinks, Webs, Drill-Markers
- Complex paths with the ability to join, punch etc.
- Multi line text with rich text attributes (RTF)
- Use of Adobe Type 1 Fonts, True Type Fonts, and others
- Graphic inspectors
- Functions for alignment of graphic elements
- Multi level Undo and Redo
- Scroll-Zoom, Area Zoom, and Zoom stages
- ...
CAM Functions
- Serial-numbers
- Placement of Drills and other elements on intersections of vectors
- Special functions for effective serial production
- Random mix function
- Rapid Prototyping of Printed Circuit Boards (Option)
- Flexible Automation: custom defined Panel for (Option)
- ...
Pre-Production (turning Graphics into Output)
- Tool radius compensation (inline, outline, right, left)
- Inlays
- Engraving with Pick-Out (Carving) as well as carving of raised objects (V-Carve)
- Standard- and Contourfill
- Output generation directly from raster images without previous vektor to raster convesion.
- Output optimization
- Batch Production
- Real-Time output calculation and re-calculation of modifications
- Preview of output
- Run-Time Calculation of Machining Times (real-time)
- Choice of Vector and Raster algorithms
- Camera+Targeting for automatic work-piece recognition [Option]
- automatic measuring of working pieces and transformation of output, can be used to correct imprecisions of print-outs in large-scale advertisements, etc.
- automatic recognition of position and rotation of working pieces
- Corner-Recognition of material like front panels
- Recognition of Position and Rotaion after flippig over of a working piece
- all features supported in batch production, too
- ...
Tool Management
- Comfortable tool management using tool magazines
- Assignment of tools to layers
- Adjusting of tool parameters (feed, revolution, etc.) during output
- ...
- Full interactive Control of machining directly from Cenon (no need to export/import NC files)
- Alternative: output of NC-Data to file, and manufacturing from a Machine Terminal
- Interpolation of up to 3 axis, including circular axis
- configurable switching options (for example for cooling, suction, flooding, moisture)
- Milling, engraving, drilling, plotting, cutting, Pocketing, etc.
- Thread cutting, Countersinks, Webs/Bridges, ...
- Stepwise machining, Smoothing, ...
- Position memory for different starting points (e. g. for different fixing attachments)
- Output to machines of most manufacturers supporting ISO/DIN 66025 (G-Codes), Gerber NGC, and HPGL derivates (also plotters and cutting plotters)
- support of Tangential cutter on 4th axis
- support of circular axis as X or Y axis
- iPad App to control the machine
- ...
Cenon - productive since 1992

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Import Variety

Editing Tools



Rotation axis as 4. axis