List of advancements of Cenon CAM versions 3.6x.
More changes in the Cenon core can be found at www.Cenon.info 3.66 (2004-12-21)
- New: Special Drill Thread-Cutter (type 2) implemented
- Optimized machine positioning with activated parking position
3.65 (2004-12-14)
- Tool Parameter: Number of cutting edges added
- Fix, Marker Positions: marker position is set without changing the origin (since 3.63)
- little improvements
3.63 / 3.64 (2004-10-12)
- New, Position-Panel: Named markers from the document can be added as positions.
- Position-Panel: Move to parking position now lifts z axis completely
- faster batch copying
3.62 (2004-06-24)
- Output: fast Helix interpolation with 3-D lines
- Fix, Revolution: The revolution of a tool can be changed for the new CNC-Controller.
- Import: HPGL-Import and DXF-Import leave arc centers outside of working area.
- Fix, Text: Memory leak fixed
- Preferences are active for new installations (since 3.60b?)
3.61 (2004-04-19)
- Fix, thread output now returns from error (3.60)
- Fix, allow settlement for rectangles with sharp edges (3.60b1)
3.60 (2004-04-03)
- Fix, Output: Freezing after output without thread is fixed (since beta 10)
- New, Tangential cutter: Support for tangential knife with the commands #TAN, #TAM and #MVT:
range (mm), res controller (pts/inch) #TAN 720 352.778
range (mm) = 2 * 360 deg
res (pts/inch) = 5000 pts/U / 360 deg * 25.4
max angle (deg), max vector (mm) #TAM 20.0 1.0
move + rotate tangential knife (x, y, t) #MVT "PA%.0f,%.0f,,%.0f;"
- Fix, Display Output: Output with arcs of 0 radius are displayed correctly now
- Fix, Output: Calculation of some special arc combinations are now working.
3.60 beta 10 (2004-02-28)
- PCB: Calculation of printed circuit boards improved.
- CNC: optional asynchronous collection of return values from the CNC controller. This can be activated with the new parameter #THR 1 of the device configuration.
- Fix, Batch Production: Layers disabled from batch production in the layer details panel are no longer included for batch production.
- Fix, Output: After output in file, normal output still works.
- Fix, Sinking: When splitting a helix, the dipping depth is now approached correctly. The splitted helix now starts in the material.
From beta 1 - beta 9 we have no logs online.