Modifications in Cenon for versions 3.3x.
3.31 (2000-09-26)
- Rechteck: Eckenradius wird wieder gespeichert (Bug seit 3.30)
- Image: Speichern von neu angelegten Images wieder müglich (Bug seit 3.30)
- Linien-Inspektor: Angabe von Startpunkt, Winkel, und Endpunkt müglich
- Gerätekonfiguration: Neues Kommando #WAI zum Warten bis CNC-Controller alle Daten abgearbeitet hat (ersetzt Statusabfrage)
- Devices/xyz/CNC750*.dev -> #WAI hinzugefügt
3.30 (2000-09-14)
- New Feature: Bind text to path (Text Path)
New Menu entry: Format -> Text -> Bind to Path
You have to select a text and a shape object (Line, Arc, Curve) to build a Text Path.
New Inspector added with extra button to get to the Inspector of the shape object.
A Text Path can be used as serial number.
- Text Path: split via Menu: Edit -> Split
- Text Path: Undo/Redo
- Text Path: Text on Path is always align left
- Tile-Panel: You can apply size of material or number of tiles
- Machine-Preferences: Switch to increment serial numbers when output has been finished
- Moving of vertices: Resize of text box will display text without flickering
- Automatic surface measuring deselects tool
- automatic Z offset adjustment: Alert for negative distance between ring and tip of tool
- Print: Margin for Printing and PostScript export set to 0
- Cenon file format changed to property list (readable ASCII format)
The new file format cannot be loaded with older Cenon versions!
- Output paths are saved in separate file, and are ignored when imported to Linux.
- Save: If backup file can't be created, the file will not be saved.
- Thread: external thread is created on tool radius correction to the outside
- Thread: Interpolation with arcs if no helix command available
- Grid: Grid can be activated directly after creating a new document